Curated Tours Feb 2025

Gujarat textile and heritage tour Feb 2025




General overview

Although the tour will mainly concentrate on the handicrafts of the region and we will be meeting artisans to gain a more in-depth knowledge of textiles, especially weaving, embroidery, ikatbandhani and block printing, the trip will also cover other aspects of Gujarati & Kutch culture, the stunning architecture, amazing fauna and flora and the delicious & varied cuisine.  The trip will offer something for everyone and will, of course, allow for plenty of shopping opportunities.   A one-day Ajrakh workshop is also included this year.  

The trip is operated by Emma Horne Travel and led by Rachel Joseph who has an impressive background in textiles and is a great Indophile.


Just a little about our tour leader

Rachel Joseph Ba Hons, grew up with both parents in the Rag trade, her father from 5 generations of tailor and her mother, a model for Hardy Amies in the 60’s. 

She found her own way into the textile world through her travels to India and set up her own Textile business in 2008, and in 2014 opened her first shop on the South Bank in central London at Gabriel’s Wharf, called The House of Eunice ltd. Since the Pandemic she has since closed her shop and is now sharing her time between Somerset and India.

Initially sourcing her beautiful shawls from Kashmir, she ventured further into the interior of India in search of artisan communities and over the years has deepened her knowledge of the wonderful variety of textiles and techniques by which they are made. 

She is now working with many different communities who weave, embroider, and wood block print fabrics for her three clothing brands, Noor, Conscious Kantha and Jaipur Joy. 

Rachel brings this wealth of knowledge to all her tours and hopes to share the joys of the fabrics and communities that make them with you.  


February 2025


05 February -                    AHMEDABAD

06 February     Arrive Ahmedabad either from Delhi, Mumbai or direct from an                                international flight. Most flights from Europe arrive in the very early                          morning, or late at night.  We therefore envisage your arrival to be                          either late on the 05th or early on the 06th.  You will be met at the                            airport and transferred to the hotel, the House of MG, and your                                room will be ready for immediate occupancy.


The House of Mangaldas Girdhardas (MG) was originally the home of one of Ahmedabad’s foremost businessmen; the property, built in 1924, is now an attractive and comfortable heritage hotel with an excellent in-house textile museum.

The tour will begin at 2pm on the 06th February.

06 February     The tour begins in the afternoon with a visit to the Sabarmati                                  Ashram, where Mahatma Gandhi once lived and from which he                            launched his famous Salt March to Dandi. Through the museum                              display we will learn about swadeshi and the significance of khadi                            in the independence movement and the history of India. On return                          a visit to the in-house textile museum can be arranged. 

                       Return to the hotel for dinner at their charming Garden Restaurant.

                       Overnight House of MG – modern heritage grand room.

07 February    Today starts with a morning visit to the Calico Museum; this world                          Friday famous museum houses an impressive private collection of                          textiles and pichwai paintings from all over India. After lunch in a                              local restaurant, we will visit the nearby ‘Honeycomb                                              International’, a shop owned by Mazarkhan, who has an                                        impressive collection of antique textiles, much of which is for sale.                          He’ll give a short presentation on Kutch’s textile history.                                            He also sells fine, well-priced modern work.                             

                       Dinner will be on the roof top of the House of MG in their famous                             restaurant, Agashiye.

                       Overnight House of MG.


08 February     AHMEDABAD/BAJANA

                        Depart Ahmedabad on drive to Bajana with sightseeing on route.                            First stop is at Patan, capital of this region between the 8thand                                15th centuries. The Rann Vav is a particularly impressive and well-                          preserved stepwell.  Patan is also famous for weaving patola—                                double ikat -- silk saris. We’ll enjoy a guided tour of the House of                            Patan museum by a member of one of the few families who                                    continue to practice this type of weaving. This family is also the                                only one to produce naturally-dyed patola saris.  Many of                                      the designs seen in the stepwell are recreated in the saris. The                                museum also showcases examples of ikat—both single and                                    double Ikat from around India and the world.

                        After lunch in a local restaurant we’ll drive to Modhera. This                                      beautiful 11th century Sun Temple is covered with intricate                                      carvings depicting Hindu deities.

                        Continue to Bajana.

                        Overnight Royal Safari Camp – deluxe cottage


09 February     BAJANA

Sunday            Early morning jeep safari to the salt flats and grasslands of the                                Little Rann of Kutch, one of the last refuges of the Asiatic Wild                              ass.  The area is also home to many birds, including migratory                                demoiselle cranes, pelicans and greater and lesser flamingos.

                        Return to the hotel around 10.30 to rest until afternoon visit to the                            surrounding shepherd’s villages when we will have a chance to                                see kalamkari & Tangelia weaving.  

                        Overnight Royal Safari Camp.

10 February    BAJANA/BHUJ

Monday          Depart for the drive to Bhuj in Kutch, stops will be made on route                             when something interesting catches our eye. Before entering Bhuj                           we will stop at Bhujodi; most of the inhabitants of this village are                             involved in textile or other crafts, mainly weaving and dying                                     & leather work.  We will visit Shamji, a national- award winning                               weaver. We’ll allow some time to explore this village on foot and                             indulge in some retail therapy before continuing into Bhuj town! 

                       Overnight The Prince Hotel – a comfortable 4 star property.

11 February    BHUJ/AJRAKPUR

Tuesday         The next 4 days will be spent exploring in and around Bhuj & the                             Little Rann, with particular emphasis on the elaborate crafts still                               worked in this area, and the history of textiles in Kutch.  The exact                           itinerary will be a bit flexible depending on  local conditions and the                         particular interest of the group. There will be plenty of opportunity                           for purchasing some of the fabulous textiles but there is no                                       pressure to buy and alternative arrangements can be made for                               those not wishing to shop.

                       Today begins with a visit to Ajrakhpur to see the intricate dying                               process of the ajrakh block printing. We will first visit the workshop                         of Dr. Ismail Mohammed Khatri and his two sons to see a short                           film which gives a good account of the history and process of                                   Ajrakh printing. This will be followed by a workshop with                                        Abdulrahim Khatri which will enable you to get a full understand of                        the process and hopefully return home with something beautiful of                          your own creation. 

                      Overnight Prince Hotel.


12 February     BHUJ

Wednesday     The day will begin with a visit to the LLDC - Shrujan museum;                                launched by an NGO that has worked with local women                                          embroiderers for more than 40 years. It’s well worth spending time                          browsing and taking in the informative collection with its state-of-                            the art displays.

                        We will have lunch at the Museum café.

                       On our return to Bhuj we will visit the workshop of Jabbar Abdul                             Khatri, for a presentation on bandhani (tie & dye) and a chance to                           purchase some of the exceptional work. Next we’ll visit the Qasab                           NGO, where we will be given a detailed presentation on the                                    different styles of embroidery practiced by the different communities                        in Kutch, as well as the business model and corporate structure                              Qasab follows that provides textile artisans with control over what is                        produced, on what terms and at what price.

                      Overnight Prince Hotel.

13 February   BHUJ/HODKAR

Thursday       Depart hotel for visit to the Aina Mahal & Prag Mahal followed by a                        walk in the old City of Bhuj. After the terrible earthquake in 2001                            much of the city was destroyed but there is still merit in a wander                            through what remains of the old part of town, including a nineteenth-                      century covered market.

                      Depart Bhuj and drive to the Great Rann of Kutch or the White                              Desert, as it is colloquially known, reaching in time for sunset.                                  Depending on time available we may have the opportunity to visit                            some villages and see how the women are still working on the                                traditional skills in their homes.

                     Overnight Mahefeel-e-Rann – a simple but comfortable resort run                           by the village community.

14 February  HODKA/BHUJ

Friday           Today we head back to Bhuj with various stops en route. 

                     The village of Nirona, is important for several crafts. The centuries                         old craft of Rogan art, painting on fabric, is only practiced by a few.                         It is a highly decorative art and requires great precision and a                                 steady hand.

                     Bells are part of a living craft that are still used by the farmers to                             keep track of their livestock. We’ll see the process of hand                                       manufacturing these copper-clad bells fashioned from scrap iron.

                     Lacquer work is another speciality of this village, used to make                             colourful toys, furniture, and kitchen implements.

                     We will continue on to Kalar Raksha, one of the well-established                           NGO’s working in the area, who were particularly active in assisting                         the artisans after the devastating earthquake. 

                     Return back to Bhuj for a final dinner at the Prince Hotel.

                     Overnight Prince Hotel.


Saturday       Morning at leisure prior to transfer to the station for the train to                                  Ahmedabad.  As the hotel is centrally located there will be time for                          some last minute personal exploration.

                      The train will depart Bhuj at 16.05 and reaches Ahmedabad at                                 22.00. Met on arrival and transfer hotel. 

                      Overnight House of MG.


16 February  DEPARTURE

Sunday         Transfer to the airport for international departure flights or onward                            flights to Delhi & Mumbai. 


                     End of arrangements.


INR244,000 per person based on sharing a double occupancy room with a group of 6 people travelling. ( The Indian Rupee rate is usually around £1 = 100 rupees)

INR236,000 per person based on sharing a double occupancy room with a group of 8 people travelling

INR228,000 per person based on sharing a double occupancy room with a group of 10 people travelling

Single room supplement:  INR73,000 per person

Price Includes:            All arrangements, transfers and transport as per itinerary

                                   Full board accommodation, starting with dinner on 05                                               February and ending with breakfast on 16th February

                                  Transport in AC vehicle with chauffeur – exact vehicle                                              dependent on group size

                                  Services of accompanying English-speaking guide

                                  Monument entry fees

                                  Ajrakh workshop

                                  Jeep ride into Little Kutch at Dasada

                                  Train ticket from Bhuj to Ahmedabad in best available class

                                  Local government taxes per current rate (subject to change)


Price Excludes:           International flights

                                    Domestic flights

                                    Items of a personal nature such as drinks, laundry, personal

                                    gratuities, insurance, visa fees, camera fees

                                    Extra costs incurred due to change of itinerary due to

                                    circumstances beyond our control    


​If you are interested in booking this tour with us, please get in touch by email at and we will send you the booking forms.